Fully certified
Air Navigation
Services Provider
ACR Services.
ANS Provision
ACR is a fully certified Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP), specializing in Air Traffic Services (ATS) such as Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS), which form the core of our service offerings. We also provide meteorological services for air navigation. ACR offers a comprehensive suite of services, including those within the Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance (CNS) domains. Where necessary, we leverage a robust network and strategic partnerships to ensure the highest service standards.
Our expertise in Air Traffic Services ranges from AFIS to ATC for airports, including Approach (APP) and Departure (DEP) services within Terminal Areas. We assist airports in determining the most suitable service type and volume to meet their specific operational needs. With our Single European Sky ANS certificate, ACR is authorized to provide ANS services across Europe.
What sets ACR apart from other ANSPs? Unlike national or administrative service providers, ACR is lean, cost-efficient, and commercially focused. We view ourselves not just as a service supplier, but as a partner to airports, especially regional ones—an often overlooked and undervalued segment of aviation that we prioritize. Your airport's success is our commitment.
As the aviation industry and technology evolve, so must the service provider. ACR is dedicated to helping airports seize new technological opportunities and adapt to the emerging airspace landscape. Our mission is to go beyond being "just another ANSP." We aim to be a true Air Mobility Management Company, supporting your airport's transition from a regional hub to a comprehensive Mobility hub.
For more information about us and our ANS service portfolio, please contact Marek Bekier.
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